
Community Infant & Early Childhood Programs

Therapeutic services focused on supporting the caregiving relationships that are the foundation of early development. Programs build nurturing connections between very young children and their parents, to give kids the very best chance at growing up healthy and safe.


Youth & Caregiver Programs

Support programs specially designed for parents and caregivers, therapeutic programs for children ages 6+, and innovative services customized to meet the growing needs of our communities.


Adult Services

The Adult Services division offers a number of integrated programs that provide residential, employment, day habilitation, and community membership opportunities for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.


Virtual Groups & Workshops

From handling stress, regulating your emotions, to asking specialists questions about your child’s development. DBT Skills Group and Ask a Specialist series are featured in our virtual groups and workshops. Click to learn more about programs and when they are offered.

Upcoming Events

Many activities listed are made possible by


Office Hours Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm

p: 505.795.4774

1060 Nugget Street, Los Alamos, NM, 87544